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Qual foi o resultado da primeira batalha de tanques?

Qual foi o resultado da primeira batalha de tanques?

Today, April 24th, is the anniversary of the first tank battle. As noted on this Wikipedia page, it was three British tanks against three German tanks, but there is no mention of the outcome in spe…

Hawker Hunter T. Mark 67

Hawker Hunter T. Mark 67

Hawker Hunter T. Mark 67The Hawker Hunter T.Mark 67 was the designation given to five two-seat trainers ordered by Kuwait in the late 1960s as a stop-gap measure before the delivery of the McDonnell-Douglas A-4KU Skyhawk.The first two trainers were ordered in 1963 and delivered in 1965. The single-seat Mark 57 was delivered in the following year, and then in 1967 Kuwait ordered three more trainers which arrived in May 1969.

6 de fevereiro de 2011 As implicações para Israel dos eventos no Egito - História

6 de fevereiro de 2011 As implicações para Israel dos eventos no Egito - História

A Daily AnalysisBy Marc SchulmanFebruary 6, 2011 The Implications For Israel of Events in EgyptWe do not yet know how the events in Egypt will end. However, it is looking more and more like the end result will be a continuation of the regime dominated by the army, with additional trappings of democracy.

Mulher tailandesa fervendo casulos de seda

Mulher tailandesa fervendo casulos de seda

Uma mulher da Tailândia ferve os casulos do bicho-da-seda na fase inicial de fabricação da seda. Foto tirada em março de 2012.

História do T-3 SS-61 - História

História do T-3 SS-61 - História

T-3 SS-61T-3 (Submarino No. 61: dp. 1.107 (n.) (Surf.), 1.482 (subm.); 1. 268 e 39; 9 e 34 ;; b. 22 e 39; 10 e 34 ;; dr. 14 e 39; 2 e 34; (média); s.20 k. (surf.), 10,5 k. (subm.); cpl. 38, a. 6 21 e 34; tt., 2 3 e 34 ;; cl. AA-1) O AA-3 (Submarino No. 61) foi instalado em 21 de maio de 1917 no estaleiro Fore River Shipbuilding Co. em Quincy Mass.

História de El Salvador - História

História de El Salvador - História

EL SALVADORThe indigenous people of El Salvador resisted the coming of the Spanish in 1524. But it took another three hundred years for them to finally throw off the yoke of Spain, becoming first a jurisdiction of Mexico, and then a member of the United Provinces of Central America. in 1840, after a bloody civil war, El Salvador achieved independence as a republic.